Wednesday, August 13, 2008

30 Week Ultrasound Update

During yesterday's ultrasound, they couldn't find a dividing membrane between the two boys. The doctors think that it has torn away and that they are kind of just sharing one area or sac now. This presents the issue of cord entanglement between each other. However, since there isn't much fluid for them to swim around in, I don't think they're going to do too many somersaults and flips. The fluid level in the total area is pretty low but there is some in there - so that's good. Their blood flow through their cords and through their heart and the vein they check was really good still.

The doctors have bumped the monitoring up to 4 times a day instead to keep an extra close eye on the cord issues that could occur. And since they've gotten bigger and neither one of them have much fluid around them, it's easier for the cores to get pinched. They are hanging in there though and have been monitoring well despite all the stress they're under. What troopers!

Yesterday one of my docs spoke with me and wanted to make sure I was aware that in most cases of twins sharing one sac, they need to be delivered between 32 and 34 weeks. I'm hoping we can get through the month and into September but I know they will come when it's best for them to. They've been watched over and protected so amazingly thus far - who am I to guess what is best.


Courtney said...

Hooray for 30 weeks! I love your 30 week much progress in only 1 week. Your tummy looks cute--proud and round:)

We Three Madsens said...

You look great! Im so happy that you are already 30 weeks!

Kristin said...

I am so glad you have a blog so I can check up on you. You look really great! Please let me know if you ever need anything. You are loved!